Posts tagged Experimenting

My Thoughts On Animal Cruelty

Honestly I never thought of animal cruelty until we started reading a book called, “Half Brother.” Half Brother is about communicating with a chimp, and to see if the chimp is able to learn sign language. I think at the end of the book, the project will turn out perfect but have a few problems through out. As bad as this sounds, I do not care about animal cruelty.

Animal cruelty can be a very bad at times. Scientists kill many animals a day testing out cosmetics, and experiments. For each product they test it in maybe three animals. Those three animals are saving thousands of others. Scientists pick chimps to test things on because they are the closest specie to a human. Animal cruelty can also be very good. When scientists test on animals they test things to make sure that humans do not get rashes or even die. It can also be very good because some scientists do not harm them. For example some try to test animal communication skills. Communicating with animals usually never harms an animal. Just like Zan from Half Brother. I do not think they are harming him, they are inly trying to teach him sign language and they treat him just like a human. I do not think animal cruelty is that bad, but it sure can be at times. That is just my thought but everyone has their own opinions. Some people do not eat meat and some people do.

Half Brother

Doesn’t this steak look tasty?

Some people are vegetarians and they probably absolutely hate animal cruelty. If you are like me I can eat meat like there is no tomorrow, and not really care about animal cruelty. I do not get why people are vegetarians they must feel bad or something. Sometimes I even hunt my own food like chicken, or catch my own like fish! I do not get how people could not eat meat! But instead have tofu! Tofu is so disgusting!! But whatever floats your boat I guess. I could not imagine how people do that. I also do not get how some people never go hunting or fishing!


Animal cruelty in Canada is nowhere near as bad as it is in the states. In Canada animal cruelty is mostly done by “dog sledding“, says CBC news. This is because they whip and push the dogs to their maximum. In the states more than 80 million mice and rats alone are killed to do testing. Now that is a lot! But it is rats and mice they do no good anyways besides make a mess! I could not imagine having to experiment on rats! That is probably really stinky and gross!

After you are done reading leave a comment on what your opinion is. I like to here others people’s opinions. Also if you have time check out some other blogs on animal cruelty on

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