Archive for science

This Week In Science Class!

This week in Science class we had learned about ecosystem. Ecosystems are things with biotic and abiotic things. Biotic is a living organism, and abiotic is a non-living organism. We had went for a walk and took pictures of ecosystems, ecological succession and of biospheres. Ecological successions are things you know will happen. Say if there was a forest fire you know that the trees will grow back, and biospheres are the regions of a surface  and atmosphere of the earth (or other planet) where living organisms live. On our walk we had to look for what micro organisms might live on or in and we had to look for bioaccumulation Micro organisms are organisms that is too small to be seen especially a single-celled organism, such as a bacteria. Bioaccumulation refers to the accumulation of substances, such as pesticides, or other organic chemicals in an organisms. On our walk we I saw a lot of decomposers. Decomposers are organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms, and in doing so carry out the natural process of decomposition. But I never saw any scavengers. Some animals eat dead animals or carrion. They are called Scavengers. After the walk we got a card with a word involving an ecosystem. I got the word photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight. I had a fun time in Science this week learning about ecosystems.

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